Thursday, January 28, 2010

3 reasons why mindfulness meditation helps relationships

Here are 3 of the many reasons I give to them, with some examples we can all relate to.

Mindfulness meditation turns down the volume on stress. One of the most widely known benefits of meditation is reduced stress. "Stress" in this case doesn't mean that meditating will reduce the number of urgent e-mails in your inbox, but rather the reaction that your brain and your body have to what's going on inside you and around you. What I see in myself, and in the people with whom I work, is that the response to stressors is less intense, takes less time to recover from, and doesn't tend to linger on the sidelines. "Well, sure," you might say, "anybody can be relaxed right after meditating." What seems to happen, though, is that the effect of meditation on decreasing the stress response extends well beyond the meditation session itself, for more and more of the day as people develop a consistent practice.

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When you're less stressed, your nervous system is less likely to overreact, less likely to be hypervigilant to potential "threats." You're less defensive, and better able to hear and respond to what's actually going on. As Jon Kabat-Zinn says, mindfulness leads people to be better at approaching stressful events as a challenge, rather than a threat.

Under threat, we're geared to quickly -- and without much thinking -- fight, flee, or freeze. With challenge, we see an increase in the brain's ability to pull ideas together and come up with informed, balanced solutions.

So what does this do for improving relationships? Imagine that your brain is stressed out over deadlines at work. You're already late for your date with your girlfriend. Your body, thanks to the brain's messages that things are dangerous, is tight, prepared to fight, flee, or freeze, and in a magnificent feedback loop, your brain gets the body's tightness as a message to keep on the lookout for trouble. You walk into the restaurant for your date, aware that you're late, and you see a look of annoyance on her face -- which your brain detects as an additional stressor-threat. Your girlfriend sees the body language of your stress even before you get to the table, and her fight/flight/flee response gets further ratcheted up. Add in the restaurant noise she's been sitting with, the problems she had finding a parking spot to meet you close to your office, and the fact that you're both hungry.

Now imagine that at least one of them practices mindfulness meditation regularly. At the very least, if all we're looking at is the benefit of overall decreased stress and an ability to recognize, let go of, and recover from stress more easily, we can see how much better the evening is going to be.

There's so much more to mindfulness meditation than stress reduction, though. Let's take a look at two other ways that mindfulness meditation gives your relationship a boost.

"Mind the Gap" sign2. Mind the Gap. Research on the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain is increasingly showing that there is a beefing up (in activation and even in size) of the middle prefrontal cortex (mPFC). The mPFC is an area which neuroscientists believeplays in important role in integrating our higher, "intellectual" brain areas (for example, your frontal cortex) with those down below in our more raw, "emotional" areas (like your amygdala).

Having a more formidable mPFC allows your brain to bridge the gap, as it were, between your "thinking" and your "feeling" areas. Your brain can better integrate what's going on in your "emotional" brain areas and your "intellectual" brain areas.

Here's an example of relationship argument, with emotions and intellect banging into one another instead of being integrated -- as you read it, see how this plays out in each individual, as well as in the couple:

A wife comes home, somewhat exasperated after being out with a good friend, but one who can be self-involved at times. "She did it again!" she exclaims to her husband. "Jane managed to make the whole evening about her!" Afraid of losing a friend, and also tired, she begins to cry, bemoaning how hard it is to make friends, how alone she feels, and wondering what's wrong with her that she can't figure it out.

Her husband sees her distress and wants to scramble to respond, to help her "fix" the problem. So, he tells her, "First, you need to stop beating up on yourself. Jane's the problem, not you. I don't know why you stay friends with her, anyway; you're always upset after seeing her. Just go out and make some new friends who treat you better. Weren't you going to join that book club to meet new friends?"

She proceeds to lash out at her husband for being insensitive and overly intellectual, and accuses him of not caring. He's hurt and angry that his attempt to help her solve the problem has gotten her angry at him - again - and he responds by yelling at her "Of course I care!" and that she's too emotional and can't think straight enough to remember that.

Here, the wife came in the door with a flailing amygdala, almost pure, raw emotion. The husband responded with a rational frontal cortex, trying to help while also trying to avoid or staunch the emotions. The result is that they've completely missed each other.

=Imagine if they could integrate the two: Being tuned in to the emotions, but not overwhelmed by them; searching for a calmer, rational response, without losing sight of the emotions. That integration and connection is what mindfulness meditation helps cultivate and grow, quite literally, in the brain -- as well as between couples.

= "Minding the gap" -- shorthand for practicing mindfulness in order to bridge that gap between thinking and feeling -- helps protect you from the dangers of having either your emotions or your intellect become a runaway horse, dragging your partner and your relationship in the dirt behind you.

= "Getting" your partner better. As you practice mindfulness meditation, you're practicing, over and over again, the act of noticing when your mind has wandered off. (By the way, if you think your brain is too busy for you to meditate -- think again (pun intended) -- and take a look at this video explaining how a busy brain can actually make for more effective mindfulness practice.)

Being more aware of when your mind isn't "in the moment" lets you become more aware of what is going on in the moment. You get more attuned to what's going on inside you, instead of being on "autopilot" or in distracted-reactive mode. You also become more aware that even if you're feeling something in this moment, it'll feel a little different if you just sit with it a bit. Your emotions aren't bags of wet concrete sitting on your head (or in your heart); they're more like weather patterns moving through.

Getting to be more aware of your internal state allows you to be more attuned to yourself and your experiences -- allows you to have greater understanding and empathy for yourself. (If a baby is upset and crying, the caregiver needs to "tune in" and empathize in order to effectively understand what's going on, and how best to respond -- in effect, you're doing this for yourself when you practice mindfulness.)

As you increase your ability to be more attuned and more empathic with yourself, your capacity to be attuned and empathic with your partner increases as well.

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave

What if you knew how to captivate a man, make him fall in love with you, and give you everything you desire? Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

You can understand men. You can win their hearts. The good news is, they want you to. Nearly every man I have talked with deeply wants to get married. He wants to adore you!

There are many reasons why women have relationship trouble, but the main reason is that women simply don't understand men. If a woman really understood men, she'd know how to effortlessly attract men like a magnet, make men powerless in her hands, have them treat her like a queen, and give her everything her heart desires.

The methods I’m about to share with you are based on real-life feedback from those who have tried my relationship advice and found that it produced a dramatic difference in their relationships with men.

Find the Man of Your Dreams

Get answers to your 4 biggest questions:

* Who is my dream man?
* How can I attract men like a magnet?
* How can I progress from dating to a marriage proposal in minimal time?
* Where are all the terrific eligible men?

If you're like most women, the process of finding your dream man might seem like a daunting task that requires lots of trial and error before you succeed.

Whenever you start dating someone new, you wonder, "Is he the one?" You hope he's the right guy so you invest a lot of time and effort in the relationship, only to see it come to an end -- usually with a broken heart or a lot of pain.

Believe me, I understand your dilemma because I've heard the same complaint countless times from female clients. Over the last 17 years of counseling I have carefully observed women who have been able to successfully find, attract and marry their dream man -- as well as women who have not been successful.

I made a very interesting discovery! (which I’ll share in depth in my e-book)

It doesn't have to be this way. Finding your dream man is easy -- if you know how. I've put together a proven plan that will save you years of anguish in your search.

This plan is based not only on real-life feedback from dozens of my female clients, but also from time-tested strategies and techniques I've developed over the years. When properly implemented, I assure you that finding and attracting your dream man is only a few weeks or months away.

By using this simple plan, you will be amazed how effortlessly you'll find an endless pool of ideal men who are custom-tailored for you-- and who are also most likely to be mutually attracted to you and want to marry you.

When To Say, "I Love You"

When To Say, "I Love You"

The keys to making it memorable...

The climax of just about every love story is that key moment when the object of affection looks longingly into the other’s eyes; their heart pounds so fast that it sends paralyzing jolts of euphoria throughout the body, and then they say those three little magic words… I love you. This scenario is maybe what we see in the movies, but it is also how we imagine it happening in real life. And, quite frankly how it really should be. Anything else is nothing short of a disappointment. So, how can you ensure that your first “I love yous” will play out like the scene you’ve always envisioned? Read on.

One of the most important things to know about saying I love you is that, from the receiver’s point of view, having someone tell you that they love you when the feelings aren’t reciprocated is a horrible feeling. All of a sudden, feelings of fear and a sense of obligation emerge. With this in mind, take the following advice to heart if you are the one saying the first, “I love you.” Even though being honest to yourself and others is of utmost importance, taking your partner’s feelings into consideration is an equally necessary component. We often tell ourselves we are experiencing true love when we feel lust, excitement and connection. In my opinion, time is the only sure way to decipher the true nature of your emotions.

It can often seem like we have a built in compulsion to fall or be in love. Sometimes I feel like I could, and do, fall in love every other week. For example, my latest love affair began with a long phone call and then four dates in one week. We both fell so hard for each other, that one day (during the second week), the words just slipped out of my mouth. He was so happy, he picked me up and twirled me around saying, “I love you too. I love you too.” The following month, we were on fire. Predictably, the month after was a little different. After spending every day together for a month, we got to know each other pretty well and there wasn’t anything left to talk about. Our dreams for the future were vastly different and as for our ideas of intellectually stimulating conversation, well…there weren’t any.

You have to see, most people hear those words when you’re telling them that you love them. It’s what they want to hear, so they do. Hearing those words when you don’t reciprocate the feeling SUCKS! If you aren’t sure that what you're feeling is mutual or immutable, wait. It’s worth it. Hold your tongue until you’re sure to have a “movie moment.” The more anticipation you can build up, the better your moment. Pushing for this key moment will only cheapen it.

Imagine yourself marrying this person and then, ten years down the road, you’re reminiscing. “Oh, honey, do you remember the first time I said ‘I love you’?” How do you want that memory to be? I think some people treat the words so casually, that they forget soon after, but there are some who will forever keep the memory because they prevented prematurely saying, “I love you.”

When Did You Say, "I Love You?"
How or when did you say your first I love yous? Did it go as well as you hoped?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Do Men Batter Women

Why Do Men Batter Women?

In this century when we all talk of exploring mars and reaching help to the deep corners of Africa, is it not only surprising and also shameful that some men batter their wives? Whatever we say, we cannot deny that women are getting battered. A syndrome has also been names after this - Battered Women syndrome. Why should men beat women? Let us look at this barbarism.

Frustration must be one of the reasons. Do men enjoy taking out their frustration of career failures and problems on women? Or they are sadists? If they do not like their woman, they should separate. How can they be allowed to beat women? That is reprehensible and barbaric. How can an educated man beat a woman? What drives him to do that? Is their any profile of such men who do this?

What if the woman is not meek and retaliates. There will be bloodshed. Why a beautiful relationship reaches such depths is beyond my imagination and thinking. How society allows this. Why such men are not boycotted from the society? What is the problem with such men that they batter their woman?

As men, we are protectors of women and not supposed to beat them. Why do we men do it? In a survey in India, it was found that a majority of men who beat women come from highly educated class. This is more shocking. These men keep a mask of good behavior in society and beat the woman in the confines of their home. Please let all men decide that come what may, they will never ever batter their woman. That is inhuman.

Where Should You Go On Your First Date?

Where Should You Go On Your First Date? Don’t you find the question often coming to your mind before you go on a date with someone for the first time? Always choose a public place for the first date so that both of you are comfortable enough. Go to a nice restaurant or go to the mall together for some shopping. Visit a fast food place or a coffee shop. Choose any place where you can carry on conversations. Don’t visit the movie theater coz both of you will watch the movie instead of chatting. Just choose any casual, non-formal place with lots of people around.

Advice For Women

Advice For Women

Every woman desires a man with whom she will live in love and bliss forever. For winning over the heart of their dream man, women need to know about what men expect from the relationship. Women also have to be more careful in dating and selecting their partner. This section gives clues and hints about how to win in the game of relationships, how to find out if he is Mr.Right and how to live with a man in harmony after marriage.

Let him pay if he wants too

Men will usually insist on paying the restaurant bill on the first date. Let them have the privilege of doing so. They feel good about it. They feel that it will impress you and make them look great. Let them feel happy doing so. If you are the independent kind of girl who believes in paying or going dutch, tell him politely that the next time you go on a date, the tab will be on you or both of you can share. He will happily agree. Have fun dating.

Are you a nice guy?

Are you a nice guy?

How would you describe yourself- a nice guy or adventurous, funny, alpha male? It is important to find out how people perceive you? What women think about you? Why am raising this issue- because it may matter a lot when you are asking a woman for a relationship with you. While talking, you may find that women say that they prefer a nice, home loving guy, but look around carefully. Think about which of your friends got a woman of their choice- was that friend known as a nice guy or something else? There may a subconscious appeal for adventurous guy in a woman. Or she may be looking for somebody more different- most popular guy, a sportsman, a funny guy, a strong man and so on.

Do not get blinded by what the woman you desire says.
Find out what she REALLY wants. That may be different than the description she gives.

Improve Your Relationships

Relationships are complex things, but following these basics will help you make your relationships healthy and strong.

When in doubt, listen first and check to see if you have understood the other person by asking them questions. Often relationships go awry when people feel they aren’t being heard or understood and sometimes it’s important just to listen. You have to know what they want, not what you think is good for them. Listening is what helps us to find connection with each other. This also means you need to tell others what you really feel, think, and want. You can’t feel connected if you don’t voice these things.

Communicate simply when it is most critical that they hear you. Get clear in your own mind what kind of outcome you would like and try to state it in the most simple and specific terms. You will more likely be understood the more clear you can be, and often that means fewer words, not more. Sometimes repetition is necessary in getting through to someone what is really important to you.

Always show respect. Respect means listening, accepting a no when you are given one, not taking them for granted, being honest in your dealings with them, and not criticizing often or discouraging them. It is also important that you do not try to control others, and just as important that you show respect to yourself and ask that they treat you the same or be willing to walk away.

To know when it isn’t a healthy relationship. Just because you care about someone doesn’t mean you should be in a relationship with them at this time. They should be good for you, not addicted to anything, not controlling or abusive in any way, and make you feel secure and happy. It is not possible to make a relationship work with someone who doesn’t care about you, or who abuses a substance or you, so don’t try.

Seek to be good for others and don’t tear them down. People like to be with those who make them feel good and who are good for them. Lighten up and have fun together and your relationship will grow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Five Great Ways To Feng Shui Your Bed

Five Great Ways To Feng Shui Your Bed

We all know how much better we feel after a good night’s sleep.
Review this article and bookmark it so that you can forward it along to your friends and family when they are looking to create a Feng Shui appropriate bed.

1. Let The Chi Circulate: An appropriate bed should have legs , ideally on each corner, elevating it above the floor. This allows the air and chi to circulate beneath it, assisting with the healing nature of rest. This simple act of enabling the chi to circulate under the bed can help with fertility and also health issues.
Removing all items from under the bed also helps the chi to circulate. If you need that space for storage – perhaps because you live in a small apartment with few closets – you can store linens and clothing in well-organized boxes or a trundle drawer.
Avoid storing weapons, sharp objects or anything metal underneath the bed.
When you place the bed in the room, it should be positioned so that the chi can flow around both sides.
This article explains the command position, which is the ideal location for a bed.

2. Bigger is not always better: A Queen bed is recommended over a King or California King size bed for two reasons. A King size bed leaves no room for upgrading. Since you’ve already reached the maximum level, the only way to move is downward, so your next bed might be to move to a single bed. .

Additionally, a King size mattress typically rests on two box springs, which can suggest a separation between partners who sleep in the bed together.

3. Get A Proper Headboard: A headboard in Feng Shui represents protection. It not only provides the possibility of a relationship, it also affects the stability in an existing relationship. The headboard should be firmly affixed to the bed frame and made of one solid piece of material, either wood or fabric. Avoid rods or headboards that split in the middle. ??
Footboard: Footboards aren’t necessary. Men typically don’t like footboards; some say it feels like being in a coffin. If you do wish to have a footboard, it should be no higher than the mattress. A taller footboard can limit your travel opportunities.

4. Sleeping in a permanent bed: Murphy beds, futons and day beds provide a temporary feeling, and therefore are recommended only for use in guest rooms.
A four-poster bed should fit within the space. I’ve seen many beds that really require a much larger space than what they have. Canopy beds are fine –again, space permitting. They may provide an added sense of protection for some. Keep the top of the canopy clean; don’t allow it to become a dust magnet.

5. Higher price does not relate to better Feng Shui: The price of the bed is not always a reflection of good Feng Shui. One of my clients recently purchased a $20,000 bed, only to discover it provided very poor Feng Shui and could be a contributing factor in a troubled relationship.
In other words, separate the price from the Feng Shui value of a bed. Purchase a bed that is comfortable and feels right to you. Regardless of cost, your bed should help you achieve your goal of a quality, restful night’s sleep, where you awake feeling refreshed and renewed.

Five Tactics to Make Her Fall in Love With You

Five Tactics to Make Her Fall in Love With You.
How to Make it Happen at Last

Getting all that hyped up to realize that you're in love with someone and then instantly feeling all that weight of worry not knowing if she feels the same is almost unbearable.
The paranoia haunts us everyday and we just want to get rid of the feeling right away, without even doing something first! That's one of the biggest problems with us men, we're just too scared to get rejected that we'd rather not do anything at all. That's one total bad move if you ask me. So try to see everything in a different light from now on. Below are the five tactics to finally make her fall in love with you, and saying goodbye to all those miserable days of yours forever!

1. Don't be too available. Getting attracted to someone is overwhelming and the urge to say yes to her every whim is almost inevitable. Well, there's no greater time to suppress it but now.
When you become too available for someone, you start to become too predictable and boring, not to mention desperate for attention. That's a major turn off so start giving high value to yourself to get her intrigued.

2. Learn to flirt. Flirting is definitely a big plus if you want to get noticed by the ladies.
When you know how to flirt (and having a great time while doing so as well) you become more comfortable with yourself making you look attractive and appealing.
So get on and maintain eye contact with that hot babe across the room.

3. Compliment her. When you got all lucky and have started to have an interesting conversation with a girl, go right ahead and tell her she's pretty (or she's hot, if you really want to have the temperature rising). Compliments usually hit a woman's soft spot big time that she will surely see you as someone very memorable.

4. Keep her guessing. Intrigue her. Make her curious about you, what else can you actually do to keep her interested? Be enigmatic, mysterious and laidback. Don't tell her everything about you right away, it will kill the thrill and spontaneity. Give in to impulses once in a while. Spur-of-the-moment stuff are always the best.

5. Be confident. Of course, you can never really get near a single female if you don't have the confidence. First thing to do to be one, forget fear of rejection. That messes a lot of things up in an instant. Just give in to it, charge it to experience and always remember to have a good time. That's the bottom line of it all anyway. So enjoy!

Do you want more ways to make out with a girl and make her want you like crazy?
Are you still having trouble uncovering the secrets to make your woman orgasm or other tactics to make her fall in love with you?
Do you want to know the art of seduction and have great sex all the time?
Discover more tips and techniques on how to be sensual and arousing to women by visiting my website right now.
It holds all amazing methods on how to do it all! You're one click away from all the excitement.

Techniques to Turn Your Best Friend Into Your Girlfriend

Techniques to Turn Your Best Friend Into Your Girlfriend

Thinking of ways to turn your best friend into your girlfriend may have gotten you a migraine by now, thinking of just confessing your feelings is enough to drive you mad, what more is there when you actually make her more than your friend?
To be totally frank about it, this feat is not something you should stress so much about.
Falling for a friend is normal, you need not condemn yourself for feeling that way.
Instead of feeling all down and miserable about this sudden "curse" established to you, try to be a little optimistic now, for a change. Below are the top five techniques to turn your best friend into your girlfriend, sooner than you expect it!

= Stop acting as "just a friend". Make her feel that you want to be more than just friends, without confessing your feelings just yet.
Be a bit more flirty, possessive and protective of her. Tell her she's pretty, be a bit romantic, she will definitely start to see you in a different light.

= Don't be too available 24/7. Make her miss you! And from there, she'll be thinking more of you, its one way of making her fall all over for you --- without too much of an effort on your side. Disappear for a while, don't return her calls, tell her you're busy, whatever it takes to make her wonder what you're up to.

= Flatter her out of the blue. Get her off guard, women all tend to love a bit of a surprise every once in a while. Hold her hand, hold her close, tell her you're falling for you, on the time when she least expects it. Don't be scared, give in to your impulses and be spontaneous.

= Send her something nice. Don't just stick to the basic like roses and chocolates. Try a something new. Know the things she likes and get the idea from there. Make a little twist with it and show your side of being creative, something that she will definitely like and remind her of you.

= Try holding her hand. When all things fail (if she doesn't seem to get your message or can't tell you're actually flirting), look her in the eye and hold her hand. Do it for a good three seconds then let go, that's enough to ride her nuts, and a great chance to make her fall for you.

Do you want to make every single day a romantic and intense day for you and your girlfriend? Now, for the complete list on how to impress your girlfriend, plus more tips on how to keep your girlfriend in love with you and other techniques to turn your best friend into your girlfriend, visit my website now! It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with your woman and I guarantee you no more dull days ever! You're one click away from all the excitement.

A Human Without Love Is Not a Human Being

A Human Without Love Is Not a Human Being

A human without love is not a human being.
To live without loving is merely existing, it is a robots life.
To be truly alive, to live, to feel, one must have someone to love.

Love must be given to someone who can receive it for the lover to feel love.
If love is given to one who cannot accept it, then it burns even more painful than if there where no love to begin.

Without love, the riches of life are worthless. As a diamond buried deep in the ground goes unnoticed of its beauty, so does any gift in life that goes unshared.
Joy comes from giving to one you love. A gift, a thought, a precious feeling, all are valued the same.

To accept love is as important as to give it. If you cannot receive, you cannot truly give.
Accepting love is the same as giving, for love is not a thing that can be placed in a box.

Love is life.
Life does not discriminate, deteriorate, or diminish the more it is given, rather it flourishes, and love is the same.

Find someone to love, a companion, the homeless, the needy, the lonely. Find love in all places, give love to one who needs if you do not have one at home. You must love if you want to live.

Only through loving can you find Truth.

Then when you are so in love with Truth, will you love all beings, and the love shall flow endlessly from you and to you, and you shall be well fed and content.

After a Breakup

After a Breakup: 6 Secrets to Getting Women Back in the Game

Most people know that unexplored emotional baggage carried over from a prior relationship often immediately sabotage even the best of new love interests. The problem is that most people don’t know how to leave it behind, get clear, and move forward--so we get right back into the same crappy relationship that we just got out of.

1. The Embrace change
Start by embracing change. Inevitably, the good, bad, and in-between times of relationships are made up of experiences that change your world. The reason men and women bounce between relationship failures is a result of an inability to embrace change. Maybe they’ll come back? Maybe they are just not ready? The situation doesn’t matter. Life is different now. Life will be different in the future. It is a good thing. Embrace it. Every second spend dwelling in the “what ifs'” of the past are moments not experienced in your spectacular new life. Life is always more thoroughly enjoyed from front seat of the locomotive than standing in the caboose. Find a way to face forward.

2. The Purge
Initiate change in simple ways. Start by rearranging your furniture and cleaning the clutter. Switch out some old picture frames. Find a new shower curtain. Look for a shiny new coffee maker. Even subtle shifts can make you feel more alive. The true root of past relationship discontent and resentment is actually not from your ex’s hours on the couch watching football, but from the stagnation that it represents. Changing things up will give a feeling of movement and growth. Even more, it will give you a clean home to come back to if emotional fireworks erupt on your dinner date with your new prospective partner.

Then on to your closet. Everything that has not been warn in the last 6 months goes in the donation pile. Bringing a friend who supports you is always a good idea. The process is much easier with a good girlfriend to set you straight when you start to get sentimental about the dress worn on your first date with the guy who left you 6 months ago... Trust me, there is a woman at Goodwill right now just waiting to give it a whirl on another first date. Get rid of it. Physical liberation results in mental liberation. Let your past self make room for who you’ve become.

Streamline your finances. Take the time and go online and find a site that allows you to pay all your bills in one place at one time. Envelopes and stamps are a pain in the ass anyway. Knowing exactly where you stand financially makes you appear empowered rather than needy. Especially in today’s economy, guys are looking for a financial partner, not a financial liability.

3. The Check In
Get clear on what happened in the last relationship that caused it to fail. This process is not at all about blaming yourself or your partner; it’s about education. If you were too overbearing or pushed too hard for commitment, take note and ease up a bit on the next guy. No problem. No blame. Men find an independent woman sexy--as long as they still want a man from time to time.

When the last guy had issues he needed to deal with, leave it at that. It’s much like my favorite Seinfeld episode where George goes into a fit when his girlfriend turns the tables and exits the relationship with the standard male exit strategy, “It’s not about you. It’s me” For men, this is often times actually true. It takes us a little longer to make sense of emotionally charged situations and sometimes retreat is the only way we know to make sense of it all. Let it go and move on. It is his loss. 9 out of 10 guys who say it’s over really mean it’s over. Then if he actually comes back after retreat, he’ll have to grovel back to a whole new woman who knows exactly what she wants.

4. The Declare & Have Faith
Then Declare your desires to the Universe. They can be spoken aloud, or just in your own head. The important part is just putting them out there.

Focus in detail on what you want. His laugh. The way he looks at you from across the room. The smell of his cologne. Then imagine how great it will feel to finally share the love that you’ve always wanted, forget about it, and go about your day.

Think of all the things you want in a man for a few minutes each day and then trust that your intention will be fulfilled. Modern men are drawn to women who know what they want and have the conviction to make it a reality. Knowing what you want doesn’t make you a bitch, it makes you rich with self love. Often misinterpreted; desire, faith, and persistence are the backbone to any successful match. Without them, you are at the mercy of the wants and desires of everyone else, whose desires obviously may not be the same as yours. There is nothing wrong with taking control of your destiny. In fact, it is the only way.

5. Opposites Attract, then Always Re-tract
Ever met a guy who seemed mysterious and attractive because his occupation or hobbies were the extreme opposite of yours? His intriguing conversation about things you’ve never discussed before made you feel alive and left you wanting more? You realized you are complete opposites in every way, but can’t help but want to feel the romanticism of Jerry Maguire as he whispered to Rene Zellweger.

Complete bullshit.
Relationships built around opposite lifestyles burn bright and burn fast, yet leave everyone in the darkness before long.
I realize there is about .001% of the population who have actually found a way to make an ‘opposite attraction’ last the test of time, however, for the rest of use rookies in love, it is a disaster waiting to happen.
Men do not change. So be sure that his life as a traveling comedian is something that you can endure even after you’ve memorized all of his punch lines.
Focus on what really matters to you and leave the intrigue of an opposite lifestyle in the friendship zone.

6. Reverse the Curse of the Sexes
It has long been argued that the problem between men and women can be summarized by the following statements,
Women get involved with men with the subconscious understanding that their man will change over time...
Men get involved with women with the subconscious understanding that their woman won’t ever change...
And in the end, both sides are left disappointed.
It is because we all try to be something that we are not in the courting phase and then slide into ‘who we really are’ over time. Why not just stop the charade and get real?

As a generalization, I have observed that in the relationship arena, most women are fueled by emotion, driven by love, and exalted by romance.
While generally men on the other hand, are fueled by a physical urge, driven by lust, and exalted by a beer and roll in the hay.
Yet, just because we seem to want different things, in the end it is all about feeling loved.

So...just love.
It’s not that simple you say?

Sure it is. If you are honest and forthright about who you are, where you are going, and what you expect from a relationship, what can go wrong? No games. No lies. No waiting five days before returning a phone call. Just be real. Modern movies and media have glamorized a ‘player’ type approach to relationships that is part of the reason half of us end up in divorce court. It is not working. Stop the games and get back to the simple desire of every human love and be loved.

The worst case scenario is that you will find out sooner than later that it won’t work and move on. What’s wrong with that?

Declare your desire in love, have faith, be real, and if what you see isn’t what you want, move on and love yourself enough to hold out for the real thing.

Always Stay In Love

Always Stay In Love

New Love is exciting, fun and just comes easy, it seems to flow.
After the new wares off and couples settle into the relationship they begin to go about life.
What they fail to understand is being in love can always stay through out the relationship and last.

Do not compete with each other. This will only cause the attraction and love to take a back seat.

Be Humble…under each other (submission). This does not mean to be a doormat. It is an expression of your Appreciation and admiration for each other.

Always make each other more important than yourself…always remember how important you were to each other in the beginning. Note! Your partners’ interests were always interesting and important to you. This does not mean you sacrifice self esteem.

Always serve one another, give your support and time to each other.

Listen more than you talk, gives a feeling of respect and that your partner is important to you.

Make each other feel important and number one in your life. Always take time for each other.

Play together. Enjoying each other is so important. Do not always take life so serious. Being able to play together will always take away from the stress of life.

Keep your individuality, makes for a happy you and your partner will always find you interesting, keep growing individually and as a couple.

Appreciate each others differences, learn from each other and always try your best.

Another "New" Year

Another "New" Year

It feels like I've blown too many to get another one. Still, here it is … a brand new year.
Somebody knows what he's doing because, after all these years, I'm getting better at life, getting better at love.
And here I am trying to share what I have learned from falling down and getting up again.

What comes to mind:
1. Life is good. I am good, but no better than anybody else -- no worse, either.
2. We are intended to get better … and better and better, more and more aligned with our essence, or love, or God. They are all the same.
3. We were not intended to get it right the first time. That would mean we had nothing to learn.
4. It's OK not to accomplish everything on my list for the day or the year, as long as my effort wasn't halfhearted.
5. When my effort is halfhearted, I need to revisit the worthiness of the task at hand.
6. I can't love anybody else better than I love myself. I get to love me -- really well -- without feeling guilty.
7. The only way to be happy is to be true to myself. The only way to be unhappy is to be untrue to myself. And it's easy to trace any discontent back to a deviation from my truth.
8. It's as important to forgive myself as it is to forgive anybody else. And when I have forgiven me, I have done the hard part.
9. The people we are closest to are most apt to push our buttons, but they are still OUR buttons. And only we can heal what hurts beneath them.
10. Our friends are the ones who show us how to expand on who we are now in order to become more of who we (SET ITAL) really (END ITAL) are.
11. When we see behind the pain and anger in our enemies, we have no enemies, only friends.
12. We learn more by doing than by watching. And when we sit on the sidelines, there is a good chance that we are afraid to fail.
12. There is NO fear in love. And fear is the ONLY thing that keeps us from being all we can be.
13. Love is everything good; it is also an art. When we practice doing good, we practice love. We get better at it … better and better and better.
14. When we don't practice love, we get better at fear -- and ego and anger and resentment and blame and defensiveness and justification and complacency.
15. No matter how many times we fall down, and no matter how far we fall, we can always, always, always get up again.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us," said Ralph Waldo Emerson.
So, as you stand up tall and take a deep breath to begin another new year, remember who you are. I am not talking about your name or what you do for a living. And, no, I'm not talking about degrees or net worth or past accomplishments. Remember what lies within.
Your essence is love. And you have another chance to live up to it … and it's not over until you do. There is no failing.

Are you “Abandoning” yourself in your relationships?

Are you “Abandoning” yourself in your relationships?

Often I see couples or hear the sadness of friends who commonly complain about their mates and wish for a paradigm shift. I hear them echo “If they can only be this way” or “If they were more like that.” When I pose the question: ” Why are you in the relationship?”, the answers vary but they are quite revealing. It turns out that the quality or behavior they are seeking from their partner fills an unmet need in them.

For example, one client was distraught that his girlfriend would not return his call or text until several hours had elapsed. He felt “unimportant” and “disrespected”. He feared that she was secretly seeing another employee at work and was frightened of losing her. I had asked him, “From the menu of choices, why did he choose to pick the most painful and threatening scenario?”. Needless to say, he had no clear evidence to support his fear. Then why gravitate to the worst possible outcome?

The girlfriend, in fact, was working on a big project which required her to be in the physical presence of upper management most of her day and she was unable to communicate with the freedom that she had before. After this discovery he felt relieved yet ashamed for his mis-creation of thought. We later discovered that his need to stay in constant communication with not only his girlfriend, but most of his inner circle friends was to “feel safe” and “free” from confronting his painful history of abandonment. It turns out that his mother was an alcoholic and would leave him in the care of a neighbor or relatives for weeks at a time as she traveled with the numerous boyfriends she meet during his childhood. This left him feeling isolated and unloved.

In order to be in a relationship with him, his girlfriend and friends had to meet the following conditions : “Be there when I need you and Don’t leave me. “If they met his need to feel safe, wanted and free from the feelings of exclusion, then he could remain secure in a relationship with them. Historically any friend or lover who failed to provide this “safety net” would find themselves in a quick divorce from the relationship . Consequently, he often found himself alone and constantly searching for the next slave to his insecurities. This pattern of self destructive behavior continued until he was finally willing to look at an alternative way of viewing his life and his need to participate in co dependent relationships.

Through the practice of self love and parenting his “inner child”. he learned to recognize that he was safe and secure within his own life and could never be left by anyone but himself. His relationship with his girlfriend , now fiance, is now unconditional, more loving. more honest, less manipulative, and much more joyous.

The case study shows that until one is willing to look internally and fulfill their “needs” independently of “another” , codependency will emerge as the driving motivation for any relationship. Until one is willing to dig deep and redefine their fears as lessons and learn to care for themselves emotionally, one will search endlessly for a “business partner” to placate and ultimately perpetuate those very fears. These fears, uncontrolled, will lead to that which is most feared: Being left alone!

Are you happy?

Are you happy?

Do you remember some of your beautiful childhood memories?
Do you remember the joy you felt all the times you played with your friends? Do you remember how fast you used to become angry, and how fast you forgot what you were angry about?
Do you remember how happy you were when you ate candy? When we were kids being happy came easy.
What about now? Are you happy? As children we could have answered this question without hesitation. What happened to us?

A man of 43 years of age, with a family, and good job, but he was always sad. Yet no one understood the reason for his sadness.
In prayers he asked God to send him lots of money, to enjoy when he became old. Early Sunday morning, he went into the forest to pray. On his return home, he found a small old chest in the bushes. Once he opened the small old chest, he noticed it was full of gold coins. Overwhelmingly happy, he placed the box inside his jacket, and with great excitement he ran home. After digging a deep hole behind his house —not sharing his discovery with anyone— he buried the chest. That afternoon his wife and children saw the new happiness in his face and even though they didn’t understand it, they welcome his positive change.

Yet, that evening robbers who followed him that morning, dug up the small old chest that was buried. Then the robbers quickly covered the hole, exactly as the man himself had previously left it. Months passed and the man was much happier everyday, leaving everyone to wonder the reason for his change. Later, due to his dedication and skills he became the boss of bosses. Everyday he thought of his wealth, while enjoying his family, his job, and his friendships. Without noticing that the small old chest was gone, every day he gave thanks to God for his blessings. As years went by he grew older, and continued to enjoy the blessings in his life. Then one Sunday morning, he passed away in his sleep.

You can choose to be the small chest, the robber, or the happy man. You can always choose to be happy or unhappy. You can choose to enjoy today, complain about the life which you live now, or change your life to what you want it to be. Whether you wish to exercise your happiness or not, the final decision is yours. To take this a little further, here are three questions you should ask yourself:

1 - What happiness means to me? To be happy, you have to define it and understand what it means to you.
2 - Do I enjoy the person I am today? Do you respect or like the person you see in front of your mirror? Learn to forgive and accept what you are today, if you haven’t yet.
3 - Do I give thanks for the things I already have? Be thankful for all you already have in your life (health, life, love, etc.).

When you try to blame the past, destiny, the universe, God, or others for the lack of happiness you have experience now, you will not find true happiness. If you are now happy or unhappy, this is because you decided it.
Let me give you an example: If I offer you candy, and you do not accept it, you are the one who chooses not to enjoy the delicious candy.
However, if you accept the candy, and you do not thank me, I may not feel the desire to offer you more of my delicious candy in the future. Happiness works likewise. If you stop for a moment and make calculations regarding the decisions you've made, you may realize that they have brought you exactly where you are today. It is all based on your actions, thoughts, and words.

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."

Therefore, everything you think, speak, or practice in the present affects your future. The good news is that if you're not happy now, you can change it. Be happy by changing the way you think, and act towards your own life. Your destiny is in your hands, not in the hands of your significant other, your parents, your boss, or your friends. God, the universe, your divine creator, is ready to give you everything you desire, and even more than you can imagine. But it's your choice to accept the candy called happiness if you want it, and when you want it.

If you are about to cross a bridge, do not think about the gap underneath the bridge; Think about what you will feel after crossing that bridge. Decide to be happy, and always be honest with yourself. Give thanks for what you already have today, and tomorrow you may have much more to be thankful for.
Always remember, you deserve to be happy!

Best Friends and Lovers

Best Friends and Lovers

The first meeting should be about building a friendship before initiating sex. The friendship will be the foundation to keep the relationship cemented in place.

If working on a friendship there is no fear of being your self. Trust is built first out of friendship and grows more with every moment you spend reveling information about each others lives. The ability to be vulnerable becomes so easy.

Time is not recognized because of hours of talking to each other, as you hang on to every word spoken.
The attraction starts to build stronger with every contact made with each other. Trust begins when secrets are reveled to each other that have never been spoken to another, this brings you closer.

You are becoming best friends.

You are falling in love, hopelessly in love. You now want each other physically, your minds and bodies on fire. You have desire for each other and it feels wonderful. The first kiss, wow amazing, the passion is building stronger! The Friendship you have makes the emotional connection and sexual attraction explosive, better than just a sexual connection.

This kind of relationship is the strongest. Best friends and Lovers!

Never accept a sexual relationship before becoming friends, emotions become exaggerated and strong. Trust has not been built. Closeness has not been established. Sex alone is not a strong foundation. When the fire and desire of a new sexual relationship dies down you must have the closeness of a best friend. The desire and passion will always have a flame that will ignite to a blazing fire over and over again!

The Waltz of Love

The Waltz of Love

The waltz of love: One of the most incredible experiences in life

What an emotionally exciting time, probably one of the most wonderful times in your life. When you eventually fall in love with the person who you decide you want to spend the rest of your life with you actually develop an unconscious emotional attraction to that person called love. You have finally met your match, as the saying goes. Something clicks.

There is a process you go through during the early days of the relationship. After all, you are two complete individuals with completely different backgrounds, different lives. When you first meet this person you make a mental conscious decision to just begin to open up your life to this person.

The balancing act takes place, two individuals at the opposite end of the fulcrum of love trying to decide the steps that need to take place so that both can walk the fulcrum without losing balance. You first decide to kiss, make out, etc. etc. etc. You have to walk tenderly so that you do not lose your balance.

The ultimate balancing act is eventually getting to the point in the relationship where you open your self up to sex. Thanks to the sexual revolution ushered in by the development of the pill dating involves all of the activities of a relationship. When this occurs the door to the soul really begins to open up. The emotional bond of love really takes on a new meaning.

The goal is to meet in the middle, to come together, to fall in love.

The waltz of love is a most wonderful song. It is pleasurable. The birds sing it every day. It is in the smell of the flowers. The sunset. All things are wonderful. Two kids back in the playpen of love, only now as adults. It is happiness personified. When it works.

The other way of looking at this process is that at first you are two independent small circles that represent the soul of your individual lives. When you finally do meet in the middle the circles meet and begin forming a larger single circle where both souls are combined. You and your partner decide together how fast and how far you are going to combine the circles. It is as if you have a trap door to your soul that you open up. The feelings of the unconscious start rushing into consciousness.

Relationships that end do so because one of the two decide to quit opening the circle any further because of the fear of getting hurt. There is one emotion that balances the emotion of love and that is the emotion of vulnerability, which is a fear of getting hurt. Getting to the point where you consciously think about marriage happens when you conquer this fear.

The objective of dating is to determine if you want to open up yourself to the vulnerability associated with loving someone. This has become a bar that is being raised every year, particularly with all of the examples of divorce that society has shown us.

The professional daters also know the waltz of love very well. They live by it. Only they know not to let it go on too long because they also know the other side of the waltz very well, the vulnerability side. We have a new class of adults in today’s society who have had very unfortunate experiences in past relationships where a wall has been built between the unconscious and the conscious, a wall of vulnerability that is impossible to get over.

The goal is to get over the wall.

Our psyches experience thoughts and feelings and when you start spending time with this new love you start combining your thoughts and feelings with your partners. You laugh at the good times together. You talk together about your thoughts and feelings. The circles come together.

What is the most interesting during this time of the relationship is that you disprove one of the most fundamental misunderstandings of our psyche that men don’t feel. The sarcastic term used to describe a man with feelings is that he has found his “feminine side”. The implication with this term is that a man with feelings must be feminine. A man is not supposed to feel. After all, good boys don’t cry.

The psychological teachings describe an unconscious character trait called the anima that exists in the psyche of the man that is man’s vision of his idea of the perfect woman. And the fundamental element behind this character trait is that it is based on feelings. This character trait isn’t simply thoughts. A man doesn’t simply think this woman has blue eyes, he is attracted to the blue eyes, or that this woman works as a marketing rep at a large pharmaceutical company but that he is proud of her successful career.

A man feels for a woman, has feelings for a woman. This fact is in the most basic writings. And during the early part of the relationship the man shows these feelings. He buys flowers, compliments her on her looks, and develops an emotional bond for her that is called the feeling of love.

Men in negative relationships simply suppress the feeling of love, put it back upstairs in the attic of the unconscious, hoping that it may come back out someday and play again. Men do feel. Women do think. Men also think. Women also feel.

You eventually get to the point in the relationship where you have overcome the obstacle of vulnerability and realize that he or she is it. You are in love and want to spend the rest of your life with this one person. You have that extra step in your walk. What a joyful time!

Then he asks her to marry him, she cries and says yes; romantic love at its finest. A humorous question is then asked by everyone else who both people know when they say “do you really only want to sleep with this one person for the rest of your life”?

Make resolutions you can keep

Make resolutions you can keep

It was the same way last year and the year before. This year can be different.
Here are some strategies to increase the likelihood that you will stick with your desired goals.
New Year's Resolutions are very important. They challenge us to grow as people. One of the reasons why many people do not have what they want in live is because they neglect to set goals for themselves.

If you catch yourself resisting your resolutions perhaps you need to ask yourself "Why?" Often it comes down to a fear of the unknown.
If this is the case, focus on the consequences of not changing your habits and the advantages of your new behaviors. In other words, create a list of the pros and cons. You must also learn how to reframe physical and mental discomfort.
Whenever you stop certain habits, you will experience a physical and mental reaction. Someone who is stopping the habit of smoking should reframe nicotine withdrawal as a sign that her body is cleansing itself of the nicotine. This will go a lot further than if she says, "I'm dying for a cigarette." Beat war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors and let every New Year find you a better man as Benjamin Franklin
You must be willing to make sacrifices. You may be disappointed if you do not succeed but you are destined towards frustration if you do not even try.
The main reason for setting goals is to challenge you to become the person it takes to achieve them.
For example, instead of resolving to have a better relationship, resolve to have a great relationship.
Do not let the fear of failure keep you from trying or trying again. Your strength lies in your perseverance. If you are stuck, ask for help. If you feel tempted to fall back into your old habits, then have an alternative in mind. For example, when you feel like smoking, go for a walk instead. Do not allow how you feel at the moment to determine if you will follow through with your resolution.

The Greek philosopher, Pythagoras said, "You should always choose the way that seems the best, however rough it may be."
Research shows that of the people who successfully achieve their New Year's Resolutions, only 40 percent of them do so on the first attempt. The rest made several attempts but their persistence led them to success. Keep these things in mind as you strive towards your resolutions.
Make a strong commitment – "I will do whatever it takes!
State your goal aloud every morning. Say it as if it were already true. "I make a positive impact on my community." "I earn (x amount of dollars) per year." "My children tell me I'm a Great Dad/Mom.
Trust your instincts. In order to be happy you must be true to yourself.
Do not try to please everyone.

Visualize yourself as already achieving your goals. See yourself enjoying the benefits of your efforts and dedication.
Do not reflect too much on your decisions or you may miss out on your opportunity to succeed.
Write down your resolutions.
Write them down in a positive language. "I have unshakeable peace of mind" is better than "I need to stop losing my temper so much at work." Life will always present you with obstacles that will interfere with you fulfilling your dreams. There will never be the perfect time to pursue your resolutions. When you see someone who is successful, it has come about as the result of a resolution. Resolve to "Do It Now!"Your goals are achievable. Make an unwavering commitment towards your goals.
Believe in Yourself.