Secret for wonderful start to your Marriage
Trying to meet these expectations can be quite a task. Presupposing these expectations will be met can be disasterous.
When your expectations are not met this sets you up to be unhappy and to complain.
This can quickly frustrate even the happiest of newlyweds.
Strengthen your marriage with a solid foundation. Make sure you start off with the right tools.
Remember that it is an adjustment to being together. Give it time. Working out the questions of who is going to do what and how should it be done can cause conflict.
The Questions like :
" Who is going to pay the bills?"
"Who is going to clean the bathrooms?"
"Which church are we going to attend?"
Must be answered. Don't let these adjustment challenges come between you and the one you love.
Embrace your spouse's differences versus criticizing them or trying to change them. Be your spouse's biggest fan.
Stay away from stereotypes that your partner won't be able to fulfill.
You will break their spirit if you expect them to be just like your mom, your dad, or someone else you admire.
Be appreciative of your spouse. It takes time for a marriage to mature.
Fortify your commitment to each other. Never threaten divorce.
You'll probably think about it at some point in your marriage but don't ever say it. (This doesn't apply to situations that involve abuse.) Threatening divorce will dilute the commitment between you.
Don't let friends, parents, or in-laws interfere with your marriage. You are inviting trouble if you do. Be quick to set limits with people who try and interfere with your marriage. By not speaking up you will be setting yourselves up to have your marriage undermined. You and your spouse need to establish your own expectations for your marriage.
Try not to go to bed angry. Staying connected to each other is more important.
However, if you catch yourselves in a situation in which emotions are too high, you may have to back off and readdress the matter at a later time. Conflict if handled properly can be productive. Promise to fight fairly and do the right thing even if you don't feel like it.
Keep These Points In Mind At Times Of Conflict
= Don't Yell
= Don't Out Talk Them
= Don't Use Profanity
= Don't Interrupt
= Don't Name Call
= Don't Dismiss Their Ideas As Stupid
= Don't throw all of your problems into the conflict.
= Don't Forget That You Love Each Other.
= Try and stick to the subject at hand.
Get away with each other about every 6 to 8 weeks. This means by yourselves. No friends, no parents, and no children. I know this is easier said than done but it doesn't have to be anything extravagant. It can be a simple day trip to a near-by town or state park. So near-by or far away, just go.